Fifa is investigating three more senior officials from the Haitian Football Federation over allegations of sexual abuse, the Guardian revealed.
Rosnick Grant, a former international referee who is now president of the FHF’s referees’ commission (Cona) and a vice-president of the FHF, long-serving executive secretary Fenelus Guerrier and another vice-president, Garry Nicolas, were contacted at the end of August by Fifa’s ethics committee and asked to provide written statements after being informed they are subjects of the investigation.
Grant and Guerrier both confirmed that they are cooperating with the investigation. Nicolas did not respond to a request for comment and details of the allegations made against him are not clear.
The FHF president Yves Jean-Bart’s suspension was extended by a further 90 days last month and Fifa also imposed temporary bans on the technical director Wilner Etienne and Nela Joseph, girls’ supervisor at the FHF’s Centre Technique National in Croix-des-Bouquets, pending an investigation into their alleged involvement in widespread sexual abuse.