Magnitude of earthquake that struck Haiti on January 12, 2010: 7.0
Years since an earthquake of that magnitude struck Haiti:
168 Number of aftershocks, over 4.5 magnitude, in the week after the initial tremor: 51
Total number of government ministry buildings, before the earthquake: 29
Number of government ministry buildings that stood after the earthquake: 1
Number of United Nations troops and police stationed in Haiti, at the time of the earthquake: 9,057
Date on which the United Nations voted to increase the number of troops by 4,000: January 19, 2010
Number of US military personnel sent to Haiti, or stationed on ships off Haiti’s shores, by the end of January 2010: 22,200
Number of US citizens evacuated from Haiti in 2010: over 16,000
Cost of the US military’s response to the earthquake: at least $461,000,000
Official death toll: 316,000
Estimated death toll, based on survey data: 46,190 to 84,961
Estimated value of damages and losses, in percent of Haiti’s 2009 GDP: 113
Amount pledged by donors for short- and long-term reconstruction at a March 2010 donor conference: $10.7 billion
Percent of $2.4 billion in donor provided humanitarian assistance that went to the Haitian government from 2010 to 2012: 0.9
Billions in humanitarian and reconstruction aid disbursed by donors from 2010 to 2012: $6.4
Percent of that which was disbursed directly to Haitian organizations, institutions or companies: less than 0.6 percent
Percent of US families that donated to earthquake relief efforts: 45 percent
Estimated amount of private money raised, predominantly by NGOs: $3.06 billion
Number of homes destroyed by the earthquake: 105,000, Number of homes damaged: 208,000, Estimated number of individuals displaced by the earthquake: 1.5 million,
Number of individuals evicted from camps for the internally displaced, between June 2010 and March 2011: 230,000.
Estimated number of individuals living in damaged or destroyed houses in 2011: 1,036,174
IDP camp population in December 2019: 33,000
Population of Canaan, an area about 15 kilometers outside of the capital, at time of earthquake: 0
Population of Canaan now: at least 300,000
Amount of money raised by the American Red Cross for Haiti: $486,000,000
Number of new houses built by American Red Cross (as of June 2015): 6
Number of new houses USAID planned to build after the earthquake: 15,000
Original estimated cost of those 15,000 houses: $59 million