A Haitian-American teenager who convinces her teacher to have a “home exchange” program is at the center of a new Disney Channel short film called “Exchange.” Disney Channel rolled out 12 short films this month that can be streamed on YouTube and Disney platforms.
Haitian-Jamaican actress, writer and producer Daheli Hall created "Exchange," and it’s a film that will definitely resonate in South Florida, which probably shouldn't be a surprise since Hall is a Miami native.
In the film, after Brigitte’s (pronounced bwee-JEET) teacher cancels a study abroad trip to Paris, the Haitian-American teenager suggests her classmates try doing an exchange by staying overnight in each other’s homes.
At Brigitte’s house her grand mere weaves in and out of French and Haitian-Creole (with captions, of course).
The film doesn't appear to be set in Miami, but it easily could have been set here.