Two people were killed and dozens injured during large protests across Haiti over alleged misuse of government funds, authorities said Thursday.
Police spokesman Michel-Ange Louis-Jeune said 11 civilians were injured by bullets and 11 officers by flying rocks. However, municipal officials reported higher numbers.

Protesters were demanding more transparency in how the government uses funds from Petrocaribe, an oil assistance program sponsored by Venezuela.
Many protesters also demanded the resignation of President Jovenel Moise, accusing him of blocking investigations into what happened to the Petrocaribe funds.

President Jovenel Moise, in a speech on Wednesday to mark the anniversary of the death of Haiti's founder, Jean-Jacques Dessalines, pledged that a trial would be held to get to the bottom of missing funds.
"Once you have stolen government funds, whether you are part of the government, of the opposition or of the population, you'll have to face justice," Moise said in his remarks in Marchand Dessalines.
Katia Jean Charles